The laser games category contains games in which you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the amazing tool of the future - the laser.

Laser - magic greetings from the future

An optical quantum generator or laser is a device that the writers of science fiction wrote about several centuries ago, when they dreamed of what the future would be like when it came. Until now, many fantasy films and books tell us about laser weapons and other laser capabilities. Modern science and technology has long been using its properties. While not all the possibilities of the laser have been studied, but very soon mankind will be able to use the magical powers of the laser on a full scale.

The laser still surrounds us in our life at every step. It can be found not only in laser games, but also in our homes and apartments, offices and educational institutions.

The magic laser can be found not only in laser games

Once lasers entered human life, many problems that were previously considered unsolvable suddenly received easy solutions. In the modern world, the laser is used in science, technology, and in everyday life. We use laser printers at home, play CDs with lasers, read barcodes and use laser pointers in schools.

In industry, welders work with the help of lasers, artists do engraving. Holograms and volumetric images are also produced using a laser. With the help of lasers, they measure huge distances, predict the weather, analyze chemical reactions, and use them in military operations.

Lasers play a large and important role in medicine: with the help of lasers, complex surgical operations are carried out, they are used in cosmetology. In recent years, lasers have begun to be actively used to create powerful and stable communications.

What laser games do we have?

All science fiction writers have described the future of humanity as a world in which the laser is used everywhere. Laser swords and other types of weapons are especially popular. The laser sword became an iconic weapon after the popularity of the Star Wars movie saga. And although in reality such a weapon has not yet been created, many of our laser games are built precisely on the plots in which the laser sword is used.

With the help of a laser sword, you can fight the enemy, even oppose an entire army. The laser sword will cope with even the most incredible enemy, so we have many laser games with zombies and different monsters.

All laser games are presented in the fighting genre, shooting games. But you can also find sports games where athletes compete with each other in the possession of a laser sword.

On the basis of the laser, other types of weapons have been created - laser rifles, cannons, as well as many other types of weapons that the modern world does not yet know about, but you have the opportunity to get acquainted with these types of weapons in our laser games.

For many laser games, the action takes place in space, and you will not only have to fight with laser weapons, but also control a spaceship. Try to win the space battle, and let powerful laser cannons, which your spaceship is equipped with, help you with.