Special Strike Zombies

Special Strike Zombies

About the Game - Special Strike Zombies

Special Strike Zombies is a thrilling browser-based online game that puts you in the shoes of a special forces soldier. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to utilize a vast arsenal of weapons to fend off relentless hordes of zombies and mercenaries. The key to survival and successful completion of each level lies in choosing the right weapon for each wave of enemies. The controls are simple and intuitive: WASD to move, LMB to shoot, Mouse Wheel to change weapons, R to reload, P to pause, Space to jump, and C to crouch.

Games Similar to Special Strike Zombies

1. Zombie Assault: This game also puts you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, where you must use your wits and weapons to survive. The game features a variety of weapons and a number of challenging levels.

2. Dead Trigger 2: This is a first-person shooter game that challenges you to fight against a global zombie apocalypse. With a variety of weapons and missions, Dead Trigger 2 offers a similar adrenaline-pumping experience as Special Strike Zombies.

3. Left 4 Dead: This cooperative first-person shooter game also pits you against hordes of zombies. You can team up with friends to fight off the undead and work together to survive.

Advantages of the Game - Special Strike Zombies

  • Immersive Gameplay: Special Strike Zombies offers an immersive gaming experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The constant threat of zombies and mercenaries keeps the adrenaline pumping.
  • Variety of Weapons: The game provides a vast arsenal of weapons to choose from. This allows you to strategize and pick the right weapon for each wave of enemies.
  • Easy Controls: The controls of Special Strike Zombies are simple and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to pick up and play.
  • Free to Play: One of the best things about Special Strike Zombies is that it's a browser-based game, meaning it's completely free to play. You can enjoy hours of zombie-slaying fun without spending a dime.